COST: $2.89
SIZE: 2 oz.
COST PER OZ: $1.44
SHELF LIFE: 1 Year +
*These statements are based on the information printed on the product packaging. We cannot verify the accuracy of this information. For verification of the statements above, please contact the manufacturer.
First and foremost, I really must talk up the GoMacro company for their genuine investment in the products they produce and the lifestyle said products represent. In 2003 founder Jolanta Sonkin’s mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. Today she is fully recovered and Jolanta attributes the health and vitality of her mother to the comprehensive treatment she received as well as the dietary changes her mother made. As far as Jolanta is concerned, a Macrobiotic, vegan diet saved her mother’s life and she wants to do her absolute best to make healthy, delicious macrobiotic treats available to the masses. MacroBars aren’t just food to Jolanta. They are also medicine. They call their bars a “big picture food”- one not just about satisfying taste, but also comprehensive feel-good nutrition.
I have tried almost all of MacroBars flavors in an effort to uncover which one I like best. Although most of them are profoundly tasty and tend to surprise the palate with their flavor pairings and combinations, I think the Tahini Date flavor might be the most satisfying of them all.
Let’s start with the texture of this bar. Although this bar is sesame seed based, there isn’t a crunch to it. Instead the bars are super soft and moist, almost like a fresh baked cookie. The sesame seeds blend with the puffed rice and provide a general toothiness that makes the bar incredibly satisfying to sink your teeth into. I have gone so far as to toss this in my toaster oven for a moment or two, and if you don’t over toast (it will disintegrate under too much heat!) it will remind you of something mom just pulled out of the oven. Don’t hesitate to try this!
All ingredients are organic and simple, whole foods. The short list includes brown rice syrup, sesame butter, puffed rice, sesame seeds, dates, and raisins. Nothing more, nothing less! There is no gluten, of course, but also there are no eggs, dairy, refined sugars and flours, hydrogenated oils, processed ingredients, additives, artificial colorings and preservatives, or animal products in this simple treat. The dates and brown rice syrup lend a sweetness that clearly alludes to dessert without any of the glycemic crashes or mood spikes that refined sugar tends to produce. This product is a great holdover snack between meals, and will supply quick simple calories to boost energy.
Calorically, this bar is just about perfect. At 220 calories per bar and six grams of fat, it falls on the lower end of the energy bar spectrum without high fructose corn syrup or filler ingredients. Although it is not the LOWEST of the low, the calories this bar does deliver are solid and fiber rich. One bar held me over for a few hours, which is not generally the case in the world of the quick snack.
I cannot recommend this product enough! Simple, satisfying, sweet, healthy, satiating and with a great background story. What more could you ask for?
Labeling: Labelling of this product was clear and concise. I deem it to be very sufficient.
Packaging: As if I didn’t think MacroBar was awesome enough already, their packaging really goes above and beyond. All MacroTreats are packaged in Innovia Films "NatureFlex", a biodegradable and compostable film that keeps the products just as fresh as any plastic. Cases of MacroBars are placed in compostable boxes made of molded pulp which is 100% post consumer corrugated waste. The boxes are 100% biodegradable and compostable. They encourage consumers not only to reuse the boxes, but also suggest growing seed starts in them and offer incentives to do so. Consumers who email pictures of creative MacroBar Box reuses are entered into raffles to win free boxes of the product. How cool is that?
Reader’s Reviews: Please share with us your review of this company’s other products + where you purchased the product + how long you have been using this product. Please no review from the family + friends of the company producing the product…
Texture: 5
Taste: 4
Value: 4
Reviewed by Lacy D.
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