COMPANY NAME: Two Moms in the Raw
COST: $ 9.99
SIZE: 14 oz
COST PER OZ: $0.71
SHELF LIFE: 1 year +
*These statements are based on the information printed on the product packaging. We cannot verify the accuracy of this information. For verification of the statements above, please contact the manufacturer.
This seemingly innocuous product is about the strangest thing I have ever reviewed. The mishmash of thoughts and feelings (both positive and negative!) I had when trying it really surprised me. Two Moms in the Raw have brought us a very unique product with this Grain Free cereal and eating it was basically like going on a magical journey of disparate and confusing thoughts and feelings. I can’t wait to tell you the story.
First, the company… Two Moms in the Raw is a small company started by- wait for it- two moms! These two moms just so happen to be super health conscious and thus all of their products (which includes granola and nut bars, crackers, truffles and a grain free cereal) are exclusively Organic, Kosher, Gluten Free, Vegan, and handmade. The company was mostly local for a spell of time but when Starbucks picked up one of their seed bars to distribute they began to be more ubiquitous among the higher echelon of grocery shops that I like to call the health food store. Despite the big time success, the company seems to remain down to earth, as demonstrated by the bold placement of the office phone number on the home page of their website and the encouragement to call with any thoughts or feelings on the products any time.
When first handed this cereal to review I wasn’t sure how to feel. The look of it, to be frank, was a dead ringer for beef jerky and calling it a “cereal” seemed simply absurd. From the appearance alone I could tell that that the product was dense (each small bite sized piece contained Organic Sunflower Seeds, raisins, banana, coconut, apples, date, fig, chia seeds, almonds, walnuts, and cinnamon- a very reasonable and healthy list of ingredients certainly, but not exactly a short one!) and I was surprised by the heft of the bag. There was no way in hell that this naturally seemed like a cereal (it was much more like a drier and thicker energy bar cut into small pieces) but I was willing to give it a shot. I dove in.
As the first bite entered my mouth I was mildly horrified. The texture of this cereal is really something to contend with and chewing through it was not a task that was simple or easy in any regard. The thick brick sat unflexibly on my tongue and I decided it was time to get this over with as I set my teeth to work. I was decidedly displeased.
As I chewed through this food that I honestly thought was terrible, I actually started to like it. Weirdly, as it softened, the gross and terrible chunk gave way to a very tasty flavor. The banana and the fig were highlighted in the flavor notes (unfortunately, the cinnamon, date, almonds, coconut, and chia were mostly undetectable) and after just a few pieces my snacking urge was satiated. I found myself sitting, confused about what I had to say about this cereal. Did I hate it or did I actually think it was kind of awesome? I decided to let time tell.
Ultimately, I like the product. It has the quality of a ClifBar without the commitment of eating the whole thing. Because it is incredibly dense, just a few bites are really all you need. It is not overly sweet or salty. Although I never ever felt compelled to pour it into a bowl and pour milk on top of it, I could totally see how the liquid would soften the cereal up to make the texture less jarring. All this being said, the cereal is just weird. I have never claimed to be normal and so I don’t mind that fact, but it is something to keep in mind.
Calorically, this food is on the higher end of the spectrum for a cereal. ½ cup packs 250 calories and 17 grams of fat. There are 6 grams of protein. Although this is a lot of calories for a small volume of food, my analysis is that I probably wouldn’t even be able to finish ½ cup of this stuff in one sitting. I imagine one serving size would keep you full for quite some time, and 250 calories for an entire meal is not bad at all. Plus all the fats included are wonderfully healthy! Give it a shot! I think you might be surprised by this product - (I know I was).
Labelling of this product was clear and concise. The nutrition facts and certifications were clearly marked on the wrapper.
Packaging for this product was a thick plastic ziploc style bag, which I deem to be quite sufficient for the freshness of the product. I am, however, surprised that such a health focused company doesn’t have more environmentally friendly packaging.
Reader’s Reviews:
Please share with us your review of this company’s other products + where you purchased the product + how long you have been using this product. Please no review from the family + friends of the company producing the product…
Texture: 2
Taste: 4
Value: 3
Reviewed by Lacy D.
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